What is a psychological evaluation?

Psychological Evaluations involve creating an individualized assessment to capture a snapshot of a child’s current levels of functioning. The specific methods and tests will vary based on the presenting concerns. Areas that may be assessed include intelligence, academic achievement, behavior, development or social-emotional functioning.

When might a psychological evaluation be needed?

Psychological Evaluations may be warranted for a variety of reasons. Some common referral reasons include difficulties in school, problematic behavior, or a suspected disability/disorder. Testing may be used to determine eligibility for special education, to assess giftedness, or to identify a need for accommodations. Evaluations will include recommendations based on the findings.

What does the psychological evaluation process look like?

Each evaluation is customized based upon the reason for referral. Methods used may include a review of records, parent interview, child interview, teacher interview, developmental history, rating scales, IQ testing, academic achievement testing, personality testing, or child observation. The process can typically be completed within a day or two, and may be broken up into multiple sessions. Once the evaluation is complete, the results are written as a report with recommendations given as appropriate. This report is provided to caregivers and reviewed with the evaluating psychologist.

How much does psychological testing cost?

Psychological testing estimates will be given following an initial free consultation. We do not accept insurance, but can provide a receipt for access to any out of network benefits. It is the subscriber’s responsibility to confirm coverage and preauthorization requirements for any out of network benefit.