What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is psychological treatment involving therapeutic conversations, interactions, and activities between a therapist and a child or family. The treatment can help children and families understand and resolve problems, modify behavior, and make positive changes in their lives. We specialize in psychotherapy with young children and tweens (2-12).

What does child psychotherapy look like?

Children don’t experience the world the way adults do, which can make it difficult to fully understand and effectively help them. Children may not even be aware of their own in-the-moment thoughts, feelings, and behavior, as well as the impact it has on themselves and those around them. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to therapy with children. Each child will require a unique approach in order to move through their unique difficulties. Because a child exists in his or her specific environment, parental involvement and understanding is also a fundamental component to positive change. During therapy, a variety of cognitive, humanistic, play, and behavioral strategies may be used. For a list of treatment approaches and their descriptions click here.

Why might in-home therapy be right for my child?

There are so many benefits to in-home therapy. As a parent, it’s more convenient. More importantly, at home a child can feel comfortable in their own space as they receive treatment. Research shows that skills are more likely to be maintained when they are taught in the environment where we’d like to see those skills put into action. This increases the likelihood that your child will take tools from therapy and carry them over outside of therapy. It also allows for in vivo observation, modeling and parent coaching as appropriate.

 Is in-home psychotherapy available in my area?

To minimize travel time between appointments and maximize service availability, in-home therapy is available Mon-Thurs after school in Basking Ridge and Long Hill. For other locations in NJ, telehealth therapy is available.